13 - 28 June 2005
Is a project implemented in collaboration with Sanberg Instituut, and Tirana Art Academy sustained from European Cultural Center ECF that aim to facilitate a much-needed improved access to video equipment in Albania as part of Kultura's overall aim to extend creativity and alternative bacground in communication, art disiplines, contemporaly culture and media.
Period and staff
The one minute workshop has been realized from “Moving Culture” through June 2005 in Tirana in collaboration with the artist – teachers: Amir Borenstein and Effi Weiss. The workshop was coordinated by the curator of the National Gallery and director of the NGO Tirana Biennale, Edi Muka (Albania) and two artist resident in Albania: Stefano Romano (Italy) and Zabit Shkreli (Albania). They also collaborate with the Academy of Fine Arts and Institute of Tirana Biennale. The artists and students that have participated to the workshop were: Nikolin Bujari, Adela Demetja, Irgin Sena, Brunilda Kazazi, Blerta Meta, Dritan Hysenai, Holta Tola.
Equipment end facilities
Equipments available for the workshop include:
2 PC workstation : 1- build for handling analogue video in and out and composed of dual processor, SCSI HDD and Pinnacle DC30+ video card.
2- build for DV IN and OUT
Adobe family of software 1-Adobe Premiere
2-Adobe Aftereffects
3-Adobe Audition
4-Adobe Encore
2 Camera
Workshop structure
The workshop can be divided in four sections:
First phase: 7 days
The students were introduced to the video technology and the hardware and software needed to the realisation of the videos. The two teachers have realized in alternation, every day, intensive lessons organised in morning and afternoon sessions. The students have worked on the computers every day. During the first phase was a bigger number of students respect to the number of students that has realise videos. The students that didn’t realize videos during the workshop however used the knowledge acquired to complete their diploma works (already in video) at the Academy of Fine Arts in Tirana, such as Blerida Lleshi and Elda Gjikondi.
Visits were organised in video and audio postproduction studios in order to present different approaches in hardware and software from that chosen for the workshop.
Second phase: 4 days
This phase was thought for the student to propose their ideas for the realization of the videos. The teachers help them to clear the ideas through discussion and debate. Furthermore, they concretised some ideas realising shooting in the city, preparing the necessary material for the postproduction and editing their videos.
Third phase: 6 days
The students and the teacher finalised in detail their ideas in the co-respective storyboards and started to shoot the videos according to a schedule in 2 groups.
All the students edited their material on the computers and with the assistance of the teachers enhanced their abilities with the editing and postproduction software.
Last phase: exhibition
The videos were projected in occasion of “Tirana Summer Nights 2005” activities in public, outside the International Centre of Culture of Tirana on 25th and 26th of June, on a screen of 52 m2. Each video started with a short introductive description.
Video Description
1. Nikolin Bujari: ‘Welcome to Shkodra’
The work is a political work. Nikolin goes to Shkodra in the heat of electoral campaign takes away the electoral manifests that covered the billboard: WELCOME TO SHKODRA at the entrance of the city.
2. Nikolin Bujari: ‘Untitled’
The video images from electoral manifests are associated with the relative voices of the candidates who promise and promise, until disappearing in the image because the manifests are torn and the candidates not more recognizable.
3. Irgin Sena: ‘Ground shaking’
In the video a zebra fur “tries” to stand up on a pavement that vibrates. In the moment in which the animal falls, the camera shows the face of a boy who seems panicked: the earth shakes also under his feet.
4. Adela Demetja: ‘Protect the future’
A political election billboard shows many persons hand by hand, the music is "go west" like a message of these politicians to integrate Albania in Europe, but when the shoot goes away we notice that the billboard is behind the iron grid of the kiosk, used as a metaphor for the political promises and Albanian reality.
5. Adela Demetja: ‘Pse?’ (why?)
Adela tries to speak but her mouth is closed, she try but the sound that came out is not understandable and changes more and more until the final moment in which the mouth finally it is opened releasing a strong WHY?
6. Brunilda Kazazi / Blerta Meta: ‘Untitled‘
In the video the two girls meet themselves, greet themselves and go away, apparently seems do not have nothing in common, but sinchronised they complete the same gestures. They found a key in a bush, they approach a house, they enter and they are put on a sofa, with plastic bags on their feet
7. Dritan Hysenai: ‘The hand’
Dritan is designing one hand copying it from a chalk one. When he’s finished the work he leaves the drawing behind the chalk hand that unexpectedly starts moving and after having cancelled the Dritan’s drawing draw itself in gesture of Victory.
8. Holta Tola: ‘1 2 ‘
A video where ambiguous figures move in a duplicated landscape where the sensation is of being in front one something that is not only one, but still it isn’t two.
`Next objectives
The up mentioned videos of the Albanian students that have participated to the workshop are part of this year ‘oneminutevideo’ competition.
After the workshop, the already trained students will continue not only to use the computers preparing new videos, developing their ability with the software but also helping new students starting with video works.
Moving Culture will continue providing a permanent space for the equipment as well as will provide further hardware and software according to the instructions of the artists that were leading the workshop. |